If you are someone who enjoys your privacy, do you find it all too often hard to achieve?
From privacy in the home to where you work and more; finding that privacy can seem elusive at times.
So, how best to guard your privacy as much as you can?
Don’t Give Out Too Much Information
In finding ways to enjoy a little more privacy and not be available to the world 24/7, here are a few tips to think about:
- Careful with info – One of the ways to go about protecting privacy and yet too many don’t do it is limiting giving out info. So, do you do a good job of keeping that info to yourself or does it seem to get out all too often? For example, you are at an event and sign-up for something. Odds are you will give out your name, address and phone number among other things. Before you know it, you can end up on a list. That list tends to have sales implications tied to it. Then, you begin getting phone calls over time. Your info may also be passed along to others doing telemarketing. If you are getting too many calls, you may wonder who’s number is this. There are resources online you can look into that will help you determine who it is calling you. Know then if you want to answer the calls moving ahead or skip them. The goal is to limit who gets your personal info in the first place to avoid constant annoying calls.
- Don’t get caught up in moment – One of the other ways too much of your info gets out there is getting caught up in the moment. As an example, have you gotten back into the dating world anytime recently? If so, are you talking to various people, maybe even going on a few dates? In the event you said yes, odds are you have exchanged some personal details. Being wary of online dating is something you need to think about. Unless you know someone you are being set up with through family or friends, you are taking a bit of a chance. Be careful in the info you give out before meeting a date. While most dates do not lead to harassment, your personal safety should always come first. Until you are dating someone you feel comfortable around, safeguard your personal details. Getting caught up in the excitement of meeting someone could lead you to lower your guard. If that occurs, you may say too much about your private life.
- Be careful away from home – Finally, many people travel for business or pleasure at some point in the year. If you are one of them, be smart in detailing your plans. In the event you are rather active on social media, don’t blurt out info you are away from home and where you are at. One, it lets people know your home is not occupied now. Two, it could lead someone to find out where you are vacationing or on a work trip. Be smart and wait until you’ve returned from the trip to show it off on social media should you care to.
When it comes to your life, how much privacy do you like?