Your body’s tissues need oxygen to function and heal. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy floods the body’s cells with oxygen, helping them regenerate faster. White blood cells are the soldiers waging war against viruses, bacteria, and illnesses that attack your body. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy enhances their ability to fight infection and stimulates the release of growth factors that promote healing.
Increased Blood Flow
The hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber contains 100% pure oxygen, which boosts blood flow to your body tissues. This helps heal wounds, dissolve air bubbles, and enhance natural antibiotic activity. It also stimulates stem cells to generate new blood vessels and promotes tissue growth. An HBOT treatment is generally safe, and side effects are usually mild and temporary. Your healthcare provider will explain all possible risks and complications of the treatment. These include middle ear injury, eardrum rupture or fluid in your ears; eye problems from changes in air pressure; lung collapse or low blood sugar in people using insulin to treat diabetes; and sinus issues like a runny nose or sinus headache.
Increased Oxygen Absorption
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides the body with much more oxygen than can be absorbed through the lungs alone. This extra oxygen helps fight bacteria and promotes healing. You’ll lie on a table that slides into a clear plastic chamber. Some units are designed for one person at a time (monoplane), while others hold several people simultaneously (multiple-place). During treatment, you may hear a hissing sound as the air is pressurized. At first, you’ll feel warm inside the chamber. You might also feel fullness in your ears, similar to how you feel on an airplane. This can usually be relieved by yawning or swallowing. Complications are rare with this treatment but include temporary nearsightedness caused by changes in air pressure and lung collapse or fluid buildup (barotrauma). You might experience sinus problems or claustrophobia (feeling trapped) from being in a small space for a long time. You might need a prescription for a mild sedative to help you stay calm.
Increased Cell Regeneration
In the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, you breathe pure oxygen at pressures 2 to 3 times higher than regular air. This allows your lungs to absorb more oxygen than they would be able to under normal circumstances and increases the concentration of oxygen in other body fluids. This increased oxygen concentration helps your white blood cells kill bacteria and may help your lymph nodes clear out waste from your bloodstream. It can also enhance the action of certain antibiotics and promote new tissue growth in nonhealing wounds. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treats a wide range of health problems and injuries, including carbon monoxide poisoning, ear infections, diabetic foot ulcers, and radiation injury. HBOT can speed wound healing and reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. It can also prevent tissue death and amputation in people with poorly healing wounds. Each session lasts about two hours. After you finish, your healthcare provider will remove the mask or hood and check your ears.
Increased Immune System Function
The body’s infection-fighting cells need a lot of oxygen to kill bacteria. Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy gives these cells a huge oxygen boost by delivering pure oxygen to the body at high pressure.
HBOT also stimulates stem cells to be released from the bone marrow, entering injured tissue to begin healing and create new blood vessels. These newly created blood vessels carry extra oxygen that helps destroy harmful microbes and improve circulation. As we get older, the body’s production of cells slows down. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can improve this by flooding the body with oxygen and improving white blood cell production.