
5 Best Newborn Photo-Shoot Poses


Newborns are incredibly sleepy and able to be posed when they’re first born, and up to 14 days old. They’re so sleepy that the newborn photographer can place them into many positions without them moving much at all. While this kind of photography is incredibly rewarding, it should be performed by professionals who are familiar with the poses, and how to keep the baby safe during the session. Babies should never be left alone on a high platform. While some newborn photographers perform their sessions entirely indoors, others will head outdoors for magical outdoors posing. Both types of sessions need to be safe for baby.

1. Chin on Wrists or Forward Facing
This pose allows you to see the tiny, adorable face of the newborn. The baby is facing forward with her chin resting on her wrists. Normally, there’s no need to hold the baby’s head at all since it’s supported by the crook of the arm and the wrists. An assistant will often be nearby though. It can never hurt to be too careful with a newborn during a photography session.

2. Bum Up
With this pose, the baby’s tiny bum is sticking up in the air with his little feet tucked underneath. They’re usually curled in a way to show off the baby fat rolls on their sides that make them so incredibly adorable. It can be tough for some photographers to get that special curl that allows the baby’s rolls to show perfectly. This is a popular pose in a photography studio since it’s one that every parent wants to have of their newborn.

3. Taco Pose
In the taco pose, the baby is basically folded with their feet up by their face. While this position looks a bit uncomfortable, it’s the position they were in the womb, which means it’s incredibly comforting to them. Some photographers are able to get small smiles and content expressions from babies in this pose.

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4. Froggy
This pose is one of the most popular for many newborn photographers NYC. Parents will ask that it’s included in their session because the baby looks so cute. The baby is often folded as if in the taco pose, but their chin is resting in the palms of their hands. This is normally achieved through compositing two separate images. An assistant will hold the babies head in one pose and the hands in another. Later, the images are brought together to get this fantastic pose.

5. Side Pose
The baby in this pose will be laying on her side with her feet crossed and lifted slightly so her tiny toes are visible. Her face is what is framed and the center of attention in this pose. This is a great shot for getting the tiny fingers under the cheek too.

Close-Up Shots
Any of these poses are fantastic for getting close up, or macro, shots of tiny details like eyelashes, the curve of the cheek, little rosy lips, pink toes or tiny fingers.

There are so many poses that involve parents with baby too. The newborn photographer will pick the pose based on their own photography style, what the parents want to see or what the baby can handle without waking. Some babies are incredibly sensitive to the process while others will sleep peacefully without making a peep.

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