
Determining When It’s Safe for Your Children to Ride in the Front Seat


Every child dreams of the day he or she is finally big enough to sit in the front seat. They can control the radio, they can see unobstructed views of the road and sights through not only their own side window but also the windshield. They’re finally big kids. It’s a rite of passage for many kids, and they begin asking almost around the time they’re old enough to understand the front seat is off-limits to kids. You can tell them all you want they cannot sit up there, but that won’t stop the onslaught of questions. When am I old enough? How tall do I need to be to sit up front? Why can’t I sit up front? There’s a never-ending barrage of questions associated with the front seat, and knowing the correct answers is helpful. 

The Laws Regarding Kids in the Front Seat 

Every state law is different regarding kids in the front seat. There are no two laws alike, and you’ll want to become familiar with the laws in your own state prior to allowing your children to move to the front. It’s never safe to assume your children are old enough to sit up front due to being too big for a car seat or booster, or even because they are now a certain age. Checking out https://ustruckaccidentattorneys.com/georgia-truck-accident-attorneys/ can help you understand a little more about the law and why it’s in place. 

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Height Requirements 

Some states use a height requirement prior to allowing kids in the front seat. If you reside in a state that uses this as a guideline for front-seat sitting, it’s four feet nine inches. Children shorter than this are not safely allowed to sit in the front seat of a moving vehicle. 

Other states don’t list any requirement pertaining to height. In those states, drivers are not ticketed if a child is in the front seat, but it’s recommended children are at least this tall prior to taking on a place in the front. 

Age Requirements 

Other states offer an age requirement rather than a height requirement. If you live in a state with an age limit, you might notice it varies from state to state. In some states, the age is 11. In other states, there is no age limit regarding how old a child must be prior to sitting in the front. The nationally recognized age as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states children younger than 13 should not be permitted to sit in the front seat at all. 

Front Seat Sitting 

There’s always an exception to every rule, and it’s true in every state. Depending on the kind of vehicle you drive, your child may be legally able to sit in the front no matter their age or height. If you drive a truck with side-facing seats in a small backseat, children need to be in the front. If you drive a car without any backseat, children are permitted to sit in the front. It’s recommended you turn off passenger airbags in vehicles like this to keep children safe while riding in the front seat. 

If you are considering allowing your child to sit in the front seat of your car, it’s your personal decision if the laws in your state permit this. You could be ticketed if you are not following the laws, but the guidelines are here no matter what to help you make an educated decision. It’s not about making kids miserable. These guidelines are in place to keep kids safe in the car. Make a wise decision when it’s time to make one. 


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