Snoring is one of the most common medical ailments that is observed in people. If you are someone who does not snore often, then it is not a problem at all. However, if you are someone who snores regularly, then you must know that it is necessary to treat the problem because it causes many adverse effects on your body.
Snoring is not always harmful. However, it could be a sign of an underlying problem like sleep apnea. So, it’s crucial that you consult a doctor and in case you are diagnosed with the disorder you have to find effective sleep apnea remedies. If it’s just simple snoring without any underlying condition, a change in your sleep posture or controlling the amount of the alcohol consumption if you are an avid drinker can reduce the potential risk that you face.
Here are some of the major health risks that are associated with snoring:
- Strain on the Heart- Snoring is caused when there is some sort of obstruction in the nasal passage. Due to this obstruction, there is an increased pressure on the heart and thus, the blood pressure increases causing a strain on the heart.
- Arrhythmias: Arrhythmias is more commonly known as atrial fibrillation. Snoring causes fluctuation in the natural rhythm of the heartbeat. This increases the risk of a heart attack and other major cardiac concerns.
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): It has been observed that people who snore often suffer from GERD. GERD is a chronic disease that occurs in the digestive system. It causes the stomach acids to back up in the food pipe and cause irritation. Since there are changes in the nasal cavity, the level of the stomach acids also keep increasing or decreasing.
- Low Oxygen Level: If a person snores at night, it means that the body is not receiving adequate amount of oxygen. This irregular breathing causes the oxygen levels in the blood to drop. The blood vessels get constricted and give rise to pulmonary hypertension in the lungs, which cannot be cured.
- Interrupted Breathing: Snoring can also give rise to interrupted breathing in an individual. This would mean that the person has to gasp for more air from time to time. As a result of this, the person might keep waking up from his sleep.
- Light Sleeping: Since you keep getting up from time to time because of snoring, the person ends up getting light sleep. This may deprive the body of the rest it requires.
- Sleepiness during Day: Since snoring disturbs your sleep at night, the person ends up feeling weary and tired throughout the day. This may end up decreasing your productivity at work and may also cause other health hazards.
- Chronic Headaches: It has been observed that regular snorers often suffer from chronic headaches. These headaches are known to be caused by irregular supply of oxygen in the body, which also disrupts the balance of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Therefore, it is advised that you treat your snoring problem at the earliest so that it does not pose any threat to your body. It’s also important to find out the underlying cause at the earliest so that you can get the right treatment. For instance, if you are suffering from sleep apnea, you can find the appropriate sleep apnea solutions.