
How Can Drop-out Students Best Prepare For NEET 2020?


Dropping out to prepare for NEET is one of the boldest decisions that students make. Dropping out means you have ample time on your hands to prepare for the exam. If you are able to make the most out of it, then you will surely crack the examination. The question here is how to start preparing for the exam? 

According to the statistics droppers do pretty well in the NEET exams because of the time they have in their hands. But this requires a solid and fool proof plan that will stick. In this article, you are going to see how the drop out students can prepare for NEET exam without any hassle.

Join a Coaching Center

There are some esteemed coaching centers that are offering NEET training. You can join any one of them and start your preparation from there. Most people prefer self-learning given that the time they have on hands but if you are someone who needs guidance, then get admitted into any coaching center and start your prepping journey from there. 

If you are a self-learner and want to prepare all of the things by yourself, then it is important for you to follow the below steps.

Make a Plan

Take a calendar and start scheduling. Yes, you will be scheduling until the exam time so this is a long-term plan. Be careful about the choices you make here. There will be holidays, birthdays, etc. make sure to mark and do not assign any work for yourself during that time. Do not overwhelm yourself with tight scheduling. Sit down, take your syllabus and calendar and start planning now. It is better if you start with your weak zones first and prepare them. This way you will be able to clear all your doubts and issues in the starting itself. You will get ample amount of time to work on your strong zones and revision later.

Go For Online Test Series

There are so many websites that offer online test series for the students who are preparing for these kinds of competitive exams. You can register yourself for the exam and write it from your home itself. Mock exams are going to play a crucial role in your end exam performance so make sure to attempt as many as you can. The one thing that is important here is that you have to opt for a reliable test series not anything that you come across online. There are websites like standyou that offer the best NEET online test series for the aspirants. Go to such websites and write exams. It will help you in various ways.

Pick Right Kind of Material

You will find a lot of material available both online and offline but not all of them are perfect and can be used for preparation. Do your research and go with only one material. Stick to it and make sure to follow it all the time. This way you won’t get distracted with things. You can use good coaching centers material for studying.

Six Hours a Day: This is mandatory. No matter what day it is, make sure to study six hours a day. If it is not possible, compensate it with the day before or the day after. It is important for you to study six hours a day and then attempt the NEET online test series on a daily basis. This way you will get to perfect the topics that you have prepared on that particular day and you can set it aside. Prepare, test and assessment of your performance. This is a three step procedure that you have to follow without fail. 

Improve Your Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are going to have a huge impact on your performance so practice them from time to time. The calculation and analysis are going to take a lot of time and effort from your part. So, spend a good amount of time on a daily basis for them and improvise your speed and accuracy too. Your all-around development is important.

Stay Updated with Syllabus

There is no surety about the changes in NEET syllabus. It may be the same one or the different one. This is the reason why you have to stay updated with the NEET syllabus. Keep checking the official website of NEET for any kind of updates. Be flexible to change your schedule according to the NEET syllabus changes.

Be Consistent

Consistency is the key. Practicing one day and relaxing on the other won’t get you any results. So, keep practicing on a daily basis and maintain consistency all the time. Make it a daily habit of preparing. 

Ignore NEET Notifications

The NEET notifications like exams being conducted once or twice in 2020, etc. are pretty irritating. So, ignore them and stay focused on your preparation. 


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