
How To Ensure Your Car Insurance Premium Is Always Within Your Budget?


Car insurance is one thing that no car owner should ignore. Having a suitable car insurance cover can help you avoid unexpected financial costs. These repairs can at times burn a hole in your pocket. So having the backup of car insurance can come handy. Moreover, car insurance is mandatory as per the Motor Vehicles Act.

You can purchase either comprehensive or third party car insurance online as per your requirements. Further, add-ons are a nifty way to increase the coverage of your comprehensive policy at an affordable premium. But at times, the premium might increase higher than your budget. This article mentions a few ways how you can keep them well within your budget.

Opt for voluntary deductibles: The deductible is the amount which you need to pay before the insurance cover kicks. While all car insurance plans have a compulsory deductible (now known as standard deductible), selecting a voluntary deductible helps you keep your premium within affordable limits. As the name suggests, you, the policyholder, have the option to opt for the voluntary deductible which is over and above your standard deductible. The higher the deductible portion of your policy, correspondingly lower is the premium. A careful evaluation of your current budget for premiums vis a vis the future payout from your insurance plan will help you decide on the amount of deductible.

Avoid claims for small expenses: Many times, individuals end up making insurance claims even for minor repairs. Even though it is well within affordable levels for them, using the insurance cover is not compulsory. You can choose to skip an insurance claim to protect your no-claim bonus.

Compare the available plans: A thorough comparison of the available plans will help you to decide a policy with a cheaper premium. Along with premium, you must consider the available features of each policy. At each renewal date, this comparison will aid to gauge whether a better plan is available at a cheaper rate or vice versa.

Take advantage of no-claim bonus facility: The no-claim bonus is a feature where a concession in premium is offered for a claim-free policy tenure. The amount of no-claim bonus starts at 20% and goes all the way up to 50% for every consecutive year without claim. Avoiding small claims, as mentioned above, helps to take advantage of this feature available for all comprehensive car insurance plans.

Drive safely: Driving safely is the easiest of all the above alternatives. Safe driving will help to avoid accidents and in turn damages. Not-so-good credibility for the insurer will increase your premium depending on your past claim history.

Using a car insurance calculator: A car insurance calculator is a tool that helps you compare the plans and its premiums. Using this tool, you can estimate the premium charged depending on your selection of plans and additional features. Thus, always comparing the available plans using a car insurance calculator can help to keep the premium levels within your budget.

Make use of the above-mentioned tricks to reduce the premium to an affordable level. But remember, the premium must not be the sole factor for the basis of buying an insurance cover and should be considered in tandem with other policy features.

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