Exam block – the few weeks at the end of a semester dreaded by most, if not all, university students.
As assignment submissions deadlines and exams approach, it’s no wonder health tends to be put on the back burner.
Here are the top three tips for university students on how to keep calm and healthy through exam block:
- Regular meals
It’s common sense that the brain needs fuel to function properly, but during a fast-paced exam block, it’s incredibly easy to forget about basic needs.
Home doctor experts at House Call Doctor are urging students not to ignore their meals, as doing so can lead to an increase in stress levels.
Having regular meals throughout the day will ensure your brain is getting the fuel it needs to keep going, and your body is getting the nutrients it requires to stay healthy.
- Adequate sleeping pattern
Sleep is like a student’s best friend who disappears around exam block! Students who are stressed during exam blocks often sacrifice sleep and accept only a couple hours rest as the norm.
But depriving your body of sleep consistently can be dangerously unhealthy, as your body won’t have enough time to rejuvenate itself.
Getting a good night’s sleep consistently through exam block can make you feel more prepared and less stressed for assessments and may even improve your information intake.
- Socialising
Being a social butterfly is definitely not on the list of priorities for students during exam block, but home doctors at House Call Doctor say it should be! Giving yourself a break from study and screen time can significantly reduce stress.
It can also help to improve your concentration and attention span when returning back to study. Work hard, play hard.