Health Care

Is CBD Appropriate for Kids?


What looks like candy, tastes like candy, and has the potential to halt seizures, increase attention and focus, and provide relief for anxiety?

CBD gummies for kids are a tempting tool for parents of children who experience a variety of health concerns, but is CBD safe for kids? With so many potential side effects and little regulation, you have to wonder if the benefits are worth the potential risks. When you love your child and want what’s best for their health and wellbeing, it’s worthwhile to look into the pros and cons.

While we can’t tell you whether CBD for children is right for your specific child or situation, we can give you the broad strokes that can help you to make a decision.

Keep reading to learn more about the reasons why a dose of CBD for kids may or may not be the cure-all that you’re seeking when it comes to the health of your child.

What Are the Pros of CBD for Kids?

Adults have observed the benefits of CBD on their health for many years. They’ve seen improvements in anxiety, sleep, attention deficit disorders, and even epilepsy. Many of these ailments also affect children with some prevalence, and CBD has proven beneficial for them, too.

If you look at the research, most studies for the use of CBD in children have been on its uses in epilepsy and in treating the side effects of chemotherapy. In those cases, it has been proven effective. In those instances, the CBD dosage for kids was strictly regulated by medical professionals.

What Are the Cons of CBD for Kids?

Most CBD products are not yet regulated by the FDA. This means the potency of any CBD products will be variable, even in children. In some cases, you may even be receiving hemp seed oil instead of CBD, which is healthy but does not offer the same effects.

There are different kinds of CBD, and not all are appropriate for children. For example, check out full spectrum vs broad spectrum CBD products to learn more.

CBD also tends to interact with medications, particularly those with a “grapefruit warning.” It makes the liver work harder. Common side effects include drowsiness, fatigue, dehydration, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.

If your child is dealing with medical issues, there is a good chance that they are already taking medication that might interact poorly with CBD. Always check with a doctor, provider, or pharmacist about side effects.

So, Is CBD Safe for Kids?

If you’re looking for a definitive answer to the question “Is CBD safe for kids,” then you may be feeling frustrated. The safety of any drug or substance depends on the dose, the source, and your specific child’s situation. If you think CBD oil for kids might be the answer to your child’s health concerns, speak to a doctor or provider for tailored guidance.

Looking for more on the benefits and effects of CBD on children, adults, or even animals? Stick around the blog for more helpful posts!

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