
Does testomax really work?


I play bowling with a “guy” (60+) who told us about the drugs he takes, Testomax.

He said that he was “old and tired” and got a tip from a colleague about this product. He does not know what it contains, but feels that he has become more alert.

Do you know about it? Could it be dangerous?

/ Kyle

Testomax is a dietary supplement containing fenugreek , zinc, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Fenugreek is an annual herb that is used as a spice, especially in Indian and Thai cooking. In folk medicine, it has been used to increase milk production in lactating women, improve digestion and relieve skin irritation.

Testomax can improve the development of muscle mass.

There are actually a few small (30-60 participants) and short (6-8 weeks) of scientific studies of testomax showing that fenugreek may help to maintain normal testosterone levels and improve the development of muscle mass.

The other ingredients can help maintain normal fertility and reproduction, reduce fatigue, regulate hormonal activity, maintain normal nervous system function and contribute to normal muscle function. However there are no studies directly on the product itself Testomax showing that just giving some effect . You simply must try this out and see if it works.

Natural vs Unnatural supplements

I am often asked about  natural supplements are better than synthetic  or artificial. Questioners refers to the concept of “natural” vitamins, minerals and other nutrients derived from natural sources such as plant parts. Vice versa, means in this context, artificial anything produced in the lab with various chemicals.

All the chemicals

in order to approach the issue, it is first of all important to clarify that  everything  is made of  chemicals . A shampoo without chemicals can not be a shampoo, even if it is alleged to be a natural shampoo. Plain water  is known to be composed of the  chemical elements  hydrogen and oxygen, and every day you eat a whole spectrum of chemical substances, even if you are one of those who only eat eco-labeled foods without additives.

So “chemical substances”  does not by definition  something that is  bad  or synthetic or otherwise foreign to the body.

If we chemicals mean substances that are produced in a laboratory by chemists, we begin to approach the core of the discussion. Such substances can we call artificial or synthetic. However, one must not ones to be worse for the body in every respect than those we like to refer to as natural.

Skeptics about what is natural

in our pod Food and margins  we have in section 19 had the privilege to interview Lautaro Arino, moderator of Science and folkbildning Facebook page . Lautaro give their views on what we should, could and should be regarded as natural.

Vitamins and minerals are bound

The problem we have in common, synthetic supplements is that many vitamins and minerals are  bound to salts  or other molecules that are difficult for the body to break down.

Salt part of a nutrient often have to split off so that the nutrient is released and can be absorbed through the intestines. Such is the case with the classic example  of magnesium , which in most supplements are bound to  oxide . The body’s ability to dissolve magnesium oxide is very limited, and therefore is not magnesia a good source of magnesium.

Carbonates  are slightly better, but the superior is the so-called organic salts, such as  citrate  and  fumarate . (An organic salt containing carbon compounds, unlike inorganic salts which do not – it is the only difference from a chemical perspective.)

Why are not all supplements organically bound?

Unfortunately, the organic salts are both large and expensive for the industry, and use is therefore limited. (Customers would seldom take four tablets if there is a single, and are reluctant to pay the extra cost involved in using an organically bound mineral source, despite the superior absorption.)

It is not always necessary that a nutrient is bound to an organic salt – many times will a cheaper, inorganic to give the desired effect.

Advantages of organically bound nutrients

Advantage of organically bound nutrients is thus that the absorption generally becomes better. Calcium citrate is more soluble than calcium carbonate, and thus would be a better source of calcium for a person who has an impairment in the production of stomach acid or standing on acid-blocking drugs.

As is often the case with older people, but as long as you are healthy and young is no problem assimilating a carbonate bound nutrient.

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