Home Improvement

Things to consider when juggling between plantation shutters and blinds


With ample ways to decorate and dress your windows, it can be difficult to decide the window covering which best suits your home. Are you someone who like many others is torn between shutters and blinds? If answered yes, you’ve clicked on the right post as we’re here to help you out.

Both shutters and blinds can be excellent choices for your windows, but you need to weigh the advantages of each against their cons so that you’re able to make an informed and measured decision for your home.

Homeowners have always been confused about“whether to get shutters or Express Essex Blinds for their home. The answer can be different as according to the lifestyle that you choose and what exactly you want from the window treatments. Here are some facts that you should consider while deciding which window treatment is perfect for you.

Can blinds help you in saving your dollars?

A well-known company like select blinds Canada is also of the opinion that the biggest USP of blinds is the low price that is associated with them as against plantation shutters. If the low-price tag is enough to help in moulding your decision, you might take in some time to think long-term as this is more like an investment that you’re doing on your home and hence only considering the price won’t be enough.

You should first consider whether or not you wish to replace your current window treatments. If you can maintain your blinds properly, they usually last for 5 years.

On the contrary, shutters can last for more than 50 years. Hence, it can be well understood that the money that you spend on continuously replacing the blinds will add up with time.

Shutters are also said to increase the resale value of your home in a much better way as compared to blinds. The classy and stylish look of the shutters is usually a permanent fixture and it instantly boosts the appeal of your home. This means shutters will also enhance the resale value of your home.

Care and maintenance is another area to consider

How well can you maintain both the shutters and the blinds? This is one more area of concern before investing your dollars on them. Blinds are strung and they’re thin enough and a little bit of hit to the pull cord can spoil the way they’ve been adjusted.

This makes cleaning blinds a bit difficult but if you can manage to do it with proper care, you can certainly go for it.

On the other hand, shutters have more space between them and there are no cords which are used in differentiating the sections. Hence, they are easier to clean. You don’t have to worry about snapping, fraying or tangling.

Therefore, whenever you’re torn between blinds and shutter for dressing up your windows, make sure you keep in mind the above mentioned facts on window treatments so that you can make an informed decision.

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