Try decorating the classroom to set it up in a way that makes kids feel interested. Sometimes, it is not only the teacher or the class activities that excite learners. They also want to be in an environment that makes them feel like they want to learn even more. These tips will help improve the appearance of the room to get the students’ attention.
Poems at your feet
You can place poems, quotes and other interesting trivia on the floor. You can even set up games for kids to play while waiting for the class to begin. These words on the floor are not only entertaining, but they facilitate independent learning. Even in the absence of the teacher, the students continue gaining exciting ideas.
Graffiti board
You need to have a board or a wall where students are free to write anything they want. Kids are expressive, but the environment does not encourage them to speak up. When you have a graffiti wall, you let your kids speak their thoughts without fear of getting judged. They can also write anonymously if they desire. Make sure though that you set rules so that the wall will not be a ground to bully the other students.
Wall of fame
If companies have a wall which contains the image of the employee of the month, you can do the same for kids who did an excellent job for the week. It does not have to be for academic excellence alone. You can honour kids who displayed a fantastic attitude. You can also recognise those who were too shy but finally stepped up. Kids need recognition, and you need to give them that opportunity whenever possible.
You need to have a corner where your students will have the freedom to play. Bombard it with toys that they can touch and manipulate. It allows them to enjoy and learn. It is suitable for young learners since they are tactile. They need to feel things to improve their skills. It is also a formative time where interactions with concrete objects are beneficial.
Set up a mini garden
You might have naturalists in the class who would love to maintain a garden. You can set one up at the back of the room or the near the entrance. You can also teach lessons about environmental protection with the help of the mini garden. Find plants that are suitable for the ability of your students; otherwise, the plants will die, and the kids will feel frustrated.
Try using modular rooms
Instead of focusing only on the decoration, you can start by having an interesting classroom. Allow your kids to move out of their permanent room to try something new. Modular classrooms are a novel idea, and the students will feel fascinated by seeing one. They would love to learn in an environment which is different from the place where they usually learn. You can also decorate the room to match the lesson that you are giving to them.
With these decoration tips, it is time for you to act now and improve the quality of education your students are getting from you.