Health Care

Tips For Migraine Sufferers


Migraines can appear at anytime, anywhere you are. You need to be prepared if you are a frequent sufferer. It would be wise to carry around a kit of some sort that contains useful items such as ear plugs, sunglasses, and in some extreme cases, a plastic bag (for people who are prone to vomiting). It might also be a good idea to carry around a snack and some water to keep hydrated.

Medication is a sure-fire way to treat and prevent migraines; however, too much medication can cause what is known as a rebound headache. This is where an even more excruciating headache appears after your medication has worn off.

The most common prescription medicine to treat migraines is Fioricet. It is a combination medication, consisting of Acetaminophen, which decreases pain, caffeine, which boosts the effects of Acetaminophen, and Butalbital, a sedative that decreases anxiety and helps with relaxation. Fioricet does have some common side effects, though.

It is not uncommon to experience nausea, constipation, trouble sleeping or shortness of breath when taking this medication. It is often prescribed because the benefits outweigh the possible side effects. Many user reviews report Fioricet as one of the best prescription medications available publicly.

The most common over the counter medication is Aleve, which can be taken orally. It is not only great for severe headaches though, as this medication can also be taken for muscle aches, menstrual cramps, and arthritis.

If you suffer from any of these, Aleve may be a good choice for you. Aleve is great for treatment as it contains properties that decrease pain, swelling or fever. It is not recommended to use this medication if you are younger than 12 years of age.

If you prefer not to take medication, some steps can be taken to reduce the effects of an ongoing migraine. Firstly, find a quiet and dark room where you can relax. Secondly, you can try what is known as temperature therapy.

Start with an ice pack. This induces a numbing effect which can dull the pain. If the ice doesn’t work, try using a hot pack or heating pad. The heat helps to relax tense muscles. If you don’t have access to a viable hot pack or heating pad, the steam from a warm shower or bath works just fine.

If you are mainly looking for prevention methods, a consistent and healthy diet will help. Regular exercise and a normal sleeping schedule are also recommended.

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