
Mistakes to avoid in food photography


Food photography is a new trend on the block. With easy accessibility of camera in smartphones every person has become a food photographer. But taking pictures of delectable cuisines is not as easy as it looks. There are many intricate details that one should keep in mind before getting down to business. Here are a few common mistakes that one should avoid in food photography-

  • Lighting and flash – The biggest mistake one makes in photography in general is the use of flash. People feel that a flash helps brighten up the subject but that is far from true. Too much flash makes the object look dull and flat and that should not be the case for food photography. So it is best to do away with those flashes. But that doesn’t mean that lighting is not important. It is very crucial that one doesn’t experiment with too many hues when it comes to lighting. Best pictures come in white light. But if you intent on taking pictures in a different coloured light make sure the colour complements the hues in the food and its plating.
  • Getting too close to the subject – This is a rookie mistake most people make. Even though you want to capture all the details of the dish it is not recommendable that you take the pictures up close. I fact there are certain dishes which don’t appeal too much to the camera. In such a case it is better to take the attention off the boring monotones of the dish by incorporating a little of the back drop.
  • Angles – This is important in any kind of photography. Aerial views are a hit when it comes to food photography as it captures all the elements of the dish. Sometimes side angles are great too.
  • Adding too much colour – Vibrant colours are always attractive to the eye but there are certain colours that do not go well with food. Yes, sometimes the food looks bland but try garnishing or adding prop elements in the photograph. Do not try to plate the food in colourful or patterned dishes as it takes the attention away from the main element.
  • Not taking the backdrop – Even though food looks delicious on the serving plate as it is, sometimes it may become too monotonous. Try taking the original backdrops of the kitchen and working station along with the food element. In fact a little human touch works well too. One can even try something out of the box and opt for taking live cooking photography which will give you unique pictures every time. In fact food styling is an absolute hit. Add elements to the background that reflect the type of cuisine or the kind of ingredients used in the dish. But it is also important not too overcrowd the area. Keep it clutter free.
  • Over editing – This is again a very common mistake. People are addicted to editing their pictures so much that the original photograph gets lost under all the filters. It is best to keep the image simple. Enhance a few elements and cover up the flaws but do not go overboard.
  • Taking too much time – One needs to be quick on their feet when it comes to food photography. You simply cannot let the piping hot food turn cold as it may lose its identity. Crispy elements will look soggy and frozen elements will melt. Just grab as many clicks as possible in the given time frame and then select the one that looks the best.

Once you are done with the capturing process it is time to print photos. The life of photographers have been made easier courtesy photo printing online. All you have to do is upload the images and order photo prints to be delivered at your doorstep.

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