
Working Online Is The Best Thing Ever, And Here Is Why


When I left school I didn’t have too many prospects and I sort of fell into a job which paid me alright, but never really made me happy. I genuinely thought that I’d be miserable for the rest of my life working in these types of jobs, and then I met up with an old school friend, Abhishek Gattani. Abhi began to tell me about how he was earning money online and actually making a living from doing it. I couldn’t resist asking him to show me how I too could earn money online and around 2 years ago I finally gave up my job and dedicated myself to making money on the internet. I absolutely love this lifestyle and here is why.

Location Freedom

Because of the nature of my job, I am able to work anywhere in the world, as long as I have my computer and an internet connection. This lifestyle has enabled me to travel the world and make money whilst doing so and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I have worked on a beach in Australia, in the middle of a busy Bangkok street and I even sent a couple of emails from Machu Picchu, tell me what other job can give you those kind of benefits.

No Transport

The biggest problem that I had with my previous job was that I had to spend 3 hours each day sitting in traffic to get to and from work. Since I have started online however, I no longer have this problem and I am able to work in my pajamas if I wanted to. I love the fact that I have so much more time in my life to do the things that I think are important and essentially I have gained 3 hours per day with this lifestyle.

Your Own Person

I don’t need to ask my boss for a day off to go to the dentist, I don’t need to ask for vacations and if I want to work at 3am in the morning, there is absolutely nothing stopping me from doing so. It is this flexibility that I love so much about working online and it has given me the chance to not only do more things that I wanted to, but also spend more time with my family and friends.


My overall happiness has improved greatly since I started this job and I am no longer stressed or miserable because of the job I am in. This is something which has not only had a profound effect on me personally, but also a huge impact on my family. Now I am earning more money, I have more time to do things and my mood is constantly better than it used to be. If you are looking for a lifestyle which will make you happy, I would recommend that you find a way to work online.

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