One important step to maintaining the best possible performance from your heating system is power flushing your radiators on a regular basis. The rusted metal that turned into a sludge and corroded the system pipes is removed by power flushing. If these are not cleaned, your boiler may sustain serious damage. Therefore, you should power flush your central heating system as soon as it starts to malfunction.
How can you determine whether power flushing of your radiators is already necessary? Yes, that is very easy. All you have to do is keep a close eye out for any indications in the water. There should never be contaminated water. It is best to check the radiators and flush them if needed when there is a sudden change. It’s normal for the radiators to need some time to bleed. It is only when it occurs most of the time that you should be concerned. It indicates that there is a problem. The best way to handle this situation is to power flush. Other situations where radiators require power flushing include when they get extremely hot alongside the pipes or when they take longer to reheat if they have cold spots.
How to clean and power flush your radiators?
The Magnetite & Power Flush machines are used to perform this cleaning procedure. Your heating system will be connected to these equipment. These are based on the idea of creating a powerful, regulated flow of fresh water. This will get rid of the debris in the heating system. A chemical cleaner will be added to your system once the Magnetite and Power Flush cleaning machines are linked to your heating system.
Your system will be exposed to the tainted water that may collect from the radiators. This tainted liquid will emerge with the sludge, a black oxide material that is in circulation. A large magnet will be used to draw the magnetic iron oxide away from the flow in order to remove this material. To avoid the sludge becoming saturated with the chemical cleaning solution, debris will be removed as soon as possible. As a result, the power flush is more effective.
When a new boiler or heating system is installed, you can power flush your system manually. Any jointing agent or flux that was previously added to your system will be broken down by the water flowing throughout the heating system. They will become spare parts, which will facilitate system cleaning, particularly for the radiators.
By stopping the production of oxide sludge within the system, the inhibitor will aid in the internal protection of your heating system. This will guarantee both optimal performance and minimal fuel consumption. Surely, these are two excellent advantages? Finally, after the power flush is finished and the system is operating at maximum capacity, the inhibitor levels and radiators will be inspected for any cold spots to ensure that the concentration levels are appropriate for your system. This information will be documented on a commissioning sheet. Care must be taken when flushing radiators. Why don’t you leave the work to the professionals and not tackle it yourself for your own peace of mind?