
Understand Practical Shooting


Practical shooting has very dynamic and variable events, where participants must face some obstacles and moving targets, these are tests that involve concentration and focus as in sports shooting, but also involves speed and physical endurance. It is like a simulation of a shootout where the participant must hit all the targets and then move to a new area.

Now let’s take a closer look at each of the practical shooting modes.


In this modality, short and long weapons such as pistols, revolvers, rifles and carbines are used. The targets are made of paper or metal.

During competitions, various scenarios with agility and precision challenges are used, where participants must solve in the shortest possible time. It is noteworthy that, unlike defensive shooting, the clues and obstacles that participants face are purely sceno-graphic, that is, they have no connection with the reality of a real gunfire.

Quick draw

In the quick serve category, 5 targets are placed with a distance between 5 and 15 meters. This is a competition of great agility and focus, since each series of 5 shots has the average time of 3 to 8 seconds. This means that the competitor’s goal of this sport is to finish as quickly as possible.

Fast precision shooting

Targets with a fixed distance of 15 meters are arranged in this category, and the shooter has an average time of 20 shots. This means that the competitor must fire 1.5 shots per second, a considerably quick time. For this shooting practice, you must have speed loader board to keep up fast shooting.


The NRA is divided into two categories, the fast NRA and NRA II. The quick distance category is 25 meters fixed with 24 shots in 80 seconds in standing, kneeling, sitting and lying positions. Already the NRA II requires 60 shots in different positions, with distances ranging between 15 and 50 meters.

Shot gun

This mode is very recent, in general it is very similar to the IPSC but in shot gun mode only metal targets can be used and the points are divided by time, that is, the shorter the time, the more points are obtained.

Steel challenge

In this mode there are 7 different tracks for the player to reach 5 iron targets, the shooter must reach all targets in the shortest possible time. Each track is run 5 times and when all the spots are completed, wins who finished in less time.

Mia Johnson
Mia Johnson is a writer with a ten-year long career in journalism. She has written extensively about health, fitness, and lifestyle. A native to Melbourne, she now lives in Sydney with her 3 dogs where she spends her days writing and taking care of her 900 square feet garden.

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